Saturday, 31 March 2012

UKIP Policies

See what UKIP can do for you.
We are the only one of the four main parties that will free you from the over regulation and burdens of the EU.
This link will guide you through What UKIP Stand For!
We are much more than a single issue party - have a look and see for yourselves what UKIP can offer you.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

UKIP Basingstoke Goals

Our mission and goals are to be the party of:

1) Honour
2) Integrity
3) Dedication

At present we are new to Basingstoke but by following these virtues we will look to expand our base and show the people/electorate of Basingstoke there is a new politics in town.
None of the other 'main' parties can say that they adhere to these principles.

UKIP Basingstoke

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Nigel Farage's views on George Osborne's budget

Budget does little for business or families

Wednesday, 21st March 2012
Today's Budget from Chancellor George Osborne does little for business and continues to pile on the financial pain for families, says UKIP Leader Nigel Farage.
Mr Farage said: "In his Budget the Chancellor promised the 'biggest reduction in business red tape ever', but this is mere tinkering at the edges.
"For the government to effectively help small business it needs to tackle legislation such as the Agency Workers Directive which is predicted to cost the economy 100,000 jobs and the Working Time Directive which has cost the NHS alone £2billion over the last 2 years.
"The government is impotent when tackling the real barriers to growth because of the UK's insistence on adhering to these damaging EU laws. If the government really wanted to support UK business it would repudiate such EU legislation.

"The Chancellor's refusal to cut the proposed 3p per litre increase in fuel duty for August is a kick in the guts for hardworking families across the country. Refusing to budge on this demonstrates that he and his government do not understand the challenges facing real people in this country. Cutting this duty would have boosted growth, instead he continues to clobber the hard pressed motorist on top of the road tolls he plans to introduce.

"Increasing the personal income tax threshold to £9,025 is a step in the right direction but does not go nearly far enough. To boost growth anyone on the minimum wage who works a full week should be taken totally out of the tax system, which would mean a threshold of £12k pa. This would take four and half million people out of tax. UKIP have been calling for this for five years.

"The Chancellor's revealed that the UK economy will grow this year by 0.8%, whilst the eurozone contracts. This goes to show that we should cut our ties to this sinking ship."

Friday, 23 March 2012

Phil Heath joins UKIP

UKIP Basingstoke welcomes Phil Heath to its ranks. Phil will bring an outspoken but experienced perspective to the party. Thanks to Phil Heath and we look forward to many more joining us!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

More of YOUR money to the EU

Whilst the country burns - the Tories infatuation with the Euro farce goes on......

Read and weep......!!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

How German economic policy has had dire implications on the rest of the EU

The link above shows the disastrous effect that German economic policy has had on the EU. The German economy has drained resources from the lesser EU nations and whilst enriching them - it has impoverished the rim group of nations.

Consider the following facts:

  • Germany has been by far the largest exporting nation within the Eurozone
  • In the last 3 (recorded) years alone, Germany has run up massive trade surpluses with the other Eurozone countries averaging €100 billion per year
  • The ECB’s exchange rate policy favours German interests

  • Germany entered the euro at too low a rate of exchange, cementing its historic economic advantage and to the disadvantage of countries with smaller economies such as Greece and Ireland

  • The siting of the ECB in Frankfurt enabled Germany to influence policy regarding the Euro in its own interests

  • Do WE in Britain want to be part of a German dominated superstate?

    Saturday, 10 March 2012

    Trevor Kavanagh of The Sun highlighting the Greek tragedy

    The above link shows a very compelling case for why Britain needs to extricate itself from the EU and how the bailouts have failed to stem the impending Greek tragedy. Our money is being used to propagate this farce.

    Welcome to the UKIP local manifesto

    Democracy first. We, the people, shall rule

    We will -
    Empower local people by giving you the right to call binding referenda on local issues
    Let you, the people, decide major planning schemes like supermarkets by referendum
    Grant no right of appeal from the people's decisions on planning schemes Introduce election for county health, education and police boards.
    Expect your councillors to put the people's needs first, ahead of party dogmas.
    Make councils, schools, police, hospitals, planning and social care put local people first
    Keep central government out of local government
    Abolish regional government
    Restore our ancient county, borough and parish councils
    Let councils control their own finances by keeping half of local business rates
    Replace VAT with a Local Sales Tax, with a proportion going direct to councils.

    Council services: No front-line cuts

    To maintain and improve front-line council services, we will -
    • Halt all cuts to front-line council services

    • Keep police on the beat to protect the people from anti-social behaviour
    Improve health care for the elderly
    • Develop youth services
    • Maintain the roads properly
    Give rates relief to local businesses
    • Increase provision of free parking
    Invest in high-quality state education
    • Preserve our public libraries
    Improve public transport
    • Energise the voluntary sector
    • Devolve budgets, not burdens
    • End aspirational waffle about local communities.
    • The Big Society is a big mistake

    To pay for these commitments, we will -• Cut councillors' allowances and expenses
    • Audit councils' performance externally
    • Slash fat-cat pay deals for senior council staff
    • Limit the number of high-paid council employees
    • Restrict councils' advertising and self-promotion budgets
    • Sell surplus council land
    • Abolish non-essential and "politically-correct" services
    • Leave the EU
    • Drop the EU Landfill Directive, which costs each council £3 million a year
    • Control immigration and the costs of immigration.

    Protecting local people from crime

    To keep the people and the streets safe, we will -
    • Oppose votes for prisoners
    • Halt the scrapping of police jobs.
    • Refuse to tolerate any antisocial behaviour or petty crime
    • Build more prisons
    • Make sentences mean what they say
    • Elect county police boards to let local people set police priorities
    • Cut police form-filling and free officers for real police work
    • Crack down on nuisance neighbours

    To pay for these commitments, we will -
    • Scrap council non-jobs
    • Close unnecessary central government departments and quangos

    Immigration: Britain for the British first

    To cut immigration and the heavy cost of immigration, we will -
    • End Labour's immigration free-for-all, which let in 3 million in 13 years
    • Withhold all State benefits from immigrants for five years
    • Introduce proper border controls
    • Increase UK Border Agency staff as needed
    • Freeze permanent immigration for five years until we sort out the system
    • Deport all illegal immigrants
    • Target working visas only on those with the skills we need

    To pay for these commitments, we will -
    • End benefits in cash or in kind for all non-Britons

    Planning for our green and pleasant land

    To put the people in charge of the decisions that affect our countryside, we will -
    • Put people's wishes above central government and big business with planning referenda
    • Ban new windfarms and subject existing ones to democratic local planning procedures
    • Protect with new Conservators
    • Annul the Localism Bill's right to build on green belt
    • Direct new housing and business developments to brown-field, not green-field, sites
    • Build new nuclear and clean-coal power plants to secure our energy supply
    • Use existing houses more efficiently by encouraging rentals

    To pay for these commitments, we will -
    • Close the Climate Change Department, saving up to £18 billion a year
    • End wasteful EU and UK subsidies to ugly, cost-ineffective "renewable energy" scams
    • Stop all payments to the IPCC and other UN climate-related agencies

    Health: Sorting out the National Health Service

    To keep the health service safe and protect our elderly and disabled people, we will -
    • Let the people elect county health boards to oversee vital services
    • Halt all cuts in front-line NHS doctors, surgeons, dentists and nurses
    • Axe failing, surplus NHS management
    • Reintroduce proper matrons to run clean hospitals
    • Make specialist care available as needed, to save lives now lost through delay
    • Cut waiting lists to European levels - Poland treats cancer faster than we do

    To pay for these commitments, we will -
    • End free access to health care for non-Britons
    Require all visitors to exhibit adequate health insurance at the port of entry• Introduce lifelong private insurance against the costs of long-term care

    Education: Put pupils and parents first

    To bring Britain's education up to international standards, we will -
    • Let the people elect county education boards to make our schools better
    • Scrap useless paperwork and trust teachers to do their jobs
    • Build more Grammar Schools
    • Insist that schools teach the 3 Rs
    • Close colleges using bogus courses as a back door into Britain for foreign students
    • Reinstate the student grant and educational maintenance allowance
    • Encourage vocational apprenticeships
    • Give parents the right to choose where their children go to school
    • Protect rural schools
    • Encourage home schooling
    To pay for these commitments, we will -
    • Let head teachers decide whether a qualified teacher is fit to teach
    • Encourage major universities to pay their way by offering online degrees

    Housing: Local British people first

    To address the housing shortage caused by 3 million immigrants in 13 years, we will -
    • Restore proper controls on immigration to ease the demand for housing
    • Incentivise re-use of 970,000 empty houses, equal to 8 years' English house-building

    To pay for these commitments, we will -
    • Audit all council-owned and State-owned property
    • Sell most surplus or disused State-owned property

    Transport: Keeping our communities on the move

    To keep Britain moving, we will -
    • Let the people decide on local transport infrastructure by calling binding referenda
    • Reopen local railway lines where needed
    • Preserve wayleaves of disused railway lines in case they are needed again
    • Halt widespread over-zealousness in parking enforcement
    • Remove all speed cameras, except those proven to reduce accidents or demanded by the community
    • Provide free parking at all hospitals
    • Protect free parking for Blue Badge holders
    • Protect rural bus services

    To pay for these commitments, we will -
    • Tax foreign lorries using British roads
    • Put all road maintenance out to compulsory,
    • independently-assessed tender
    • Sell Network Rail to the private sector

    BUT, whatever we, the people, want or decide...

    UKIP would like to point out that unelected EU bureaucrats set overall policy in -

    • Foreign affairs

    • Economic affairs

    • Public health

    • Transport

    • Justice

    • Energy

    • Employment

    • Environment

    • Police

    • Farming

    • Social affairs

    • Fisheries

    • Immigration

    • Law enforcement

    And They won't stop there. That is why we want our national and our local democracy back. If you want it too, vote UKIP with pride.

    The Truth about EU FDI in Britain

    Interesting to see the misconception that not being in the EU will hinder economic growth is highlighted by this article. This is one of the fallacies the Europhiles try to portray as a bedrock to their arguments.

    Friday, 9 March 2012

    Lies, Deceit and Deception

    The 3 main parties have fudged, lied and deceived over the UK's membership of the EU. UKIP will expose this and hold them to account. They have chosen to disenfranchise the whole population to maintain their europhile tendencies or to stop their parties disintegrating. Below are some points to consider:

    1) The UK has nothing to fear but everything to gain from leaving the EU - look at the current parlous state of the EU.
    2) The citizens of the UK have a democratic right to have a voice over ongoing membership of the EU - especially when the initial treaties have changed beyond recognition.
    3) Is it realistic to say that if the UK leaves the EU, Europe will stop trading with us? Being a close trading partner is as much in their interests it is in ours.
    4) Is the UK so full of self doubt, self consciousness and over reliance that we are incapable of managing our own economic and political affairs?
    5) The money saved from leaving the EU could be used to pay down the deficit and also help to stimulate the economy.

    These are a few of the overwhelming reasons for leaving the EU.

    UKIP Basingstoke

    Tuesday, 6 March 2012

    UK - Do we want to take back our country

    There are some serious questions that we need to ask ourselves - do we want to take back our nation from Europe? Do we want to guarantee our self-determination? Do we want to continue to finance nameless/faceless Eurocrats?

    The only way to say no to these and more questions is to vote or join UKIP!

    Basingstoke Tories

    Looks like the Basingstoke Tories have taken exception to UKIP setting up in Basingstoke - they targeted one of our bloggers. Never mind - truth will always out as they say!
    We will continue to say we need a Referendum on the EU and we need it now - none of the three main parties trust the voters enough to go to them WE DO!!

    Support UKIP to get your country back

    Sunday, 4 March 2012

    UKIP Basingstoke Aims & Promises

    To the voters of Basingstoke:

    We will be a party of honour and dignity
    We will be open, honest and transparent in our dealings with you
    We will ALWAYS put your interests first - before party
    We pledge to invest our time and effort to make Basingstoke a safer and more prosperous town
    It is the parties stated aim to hold a referendum on the EU - leaving the EU is the goal (this has been denied to you by the three main parties who think they know better than you the electorate)
    All money saved will be re-invested in YOU the people - who's money it is in the first place

    It is with humbleness that we ask for your support in Basingstoke

    With Thanks

    Basingstoke UKIP

    New Branch - UKIP Basingstoke

    There is a new Basingstoke branch of UKIP and we hold regular monthly meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month at the Ex-Serviceman's Club in Basingstoke starting at 7pm. All are most kindly welcomed.  The next meeting will be 5th April 2012.

    Basingstoke UKIP

    Nigel Farage in Basingstoke - UKIP Basingstoke

    Nigel Farage (UKIP leader) will be in Basingstoke Friday 20th April 2012 for a meeting at Carnival Hall starting at 7pm - all are welcome and we hope to see you there!

    Manydown - the Basingstoke UKIP view

    Whilst this is a very impassioned and emotive issue for all concerned it is only right, fair and just that all those areas that are open to be developed should be assessed for viability. We should not be taking one area over another or allowing for political expediency. This is about Basingstoke as a whole and a bit of straight talking and non-partisanship would be helpful from all concerned.

    UKIP support for Basingstoke FC move

    Basingstoke UKIP offers its wholehearted support to Basingstoke Football Club in its planned move to a new stadium. It would be a major boost to the town and its profile - we should applaud the foresight of all those involved at the club. We would also like to commend Costello Tecnology College and the Hilton Hotel for their vocal support for the proposed move - which is seen as mutually beneficial.