The 3 main parties have fudged, lied and deceived over the UK's membership of the EU. UKIP will expose this and hold them to account. They have chosen to disenfranchise the whole population to maintain their europhile tendencies or to stop their parties disintegrating. Below are some points to consider:
1) The UK has nothing to fear but everything to gain from leaving the EU - look at the current parlous state of the EU.
2) The citizens of the UK have a democratic right to have a voice over ongoing membership of the EU - especially when the initial treaties have changed beyond recognition.
3) Is it realistic to say that if the UK leaves the EU, Europe will stop trading with us? Being a close trading partner is as much in their interests it is in ours.
4) Is the UK so full of self doubt, self consciousness and over reliance that we are incapable of managing our own economic and political affairs?
5) The money saved from leaving the EU could be used to pay down the deficit and also help to stimulate the economy.
These are a few of the overwhelming reasons for leaving the EU.
UKIP Basingstoke
Not to mention the inherent undemocratic nature of the European Union itself - the unelected European commission and the two soft coups in Greece and Italy being prime examples.